- generate(Topology) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.GridGenerator
- generate(Topology) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.LineGenerator
- generate(Topology) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.RandomLocationsGenerator
- generate(Topology) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.RingGenerator
- generate(Topology) - Method in interface io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.TopologyGenerator
Modifies the provided
according to the implementation.
- generateGrid(Topology) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.GridGenerator
- generateGrid(Topology, int) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.TopologyGenerators
Generates a grid.
- generateGrid(Topology, int, String) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.TopologyGenerators
Generates a grid.
- generateGrid(Topology, int, int) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.TopologyGenerators
Generates a grid.
- generateGrid(Topology, int, int, String) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.TopologyGenerators
Generates a grid.
- generateKN(Topology, int) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.TopologyGenerators
Generates a complete graph (Kn), as a ring.
- generateKN(Topology, int, String) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.TopologyGenerators
Generates a complete graph (Kn), as a ring.
- generateLine(Topology, int) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.TopologyGenerators
Generates an horizontal line.
- generateLine(Topology, int, String) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.TopologyGenerators
Generates an horizontal line.
- generateNodes(Topology, int) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.RingGenerator
- generateRing(Topology, int) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.TopologyGenerators
Generates a ring.
- generateRing(Topology, int, String) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.TopologyGenerators
Generates a ring.
- generateRing(Topology, int, boolean) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.TopologyGenerators
Generates a ring.
- generateRing(Topology, int, boolean, String) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.TopologyGenerators
Generates a ring.
- generateTorus(Topology, int) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.TopologyGenerators
Generates a torus.
- generateTorus(Topology, int, String) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.TopologyGenerators
Generates a torus.
- getAbsoluteHeight(Topology) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Gets the absolute height of the generated pattern (2 dimensions).
- getAbsoluteWidth(Topology) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Gets the absolute width of the generated pattern (2 dimensions).
- getAbsoluteX(Topology) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
- getAbsoluteY(Topology) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
- getAlpha() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- getAngle(Node, Node) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.algos.Algorithms
- getAngle(Node, Node, Node) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.algos.Algorithms
- getAngleAbs(Node, Node, Node) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.algos.Algorithms
- getBlue() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- getClock() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.ClockManager
Returns a reference to the
- getClockModel() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.ClockManager
Returns the clock model currently in use.
- getClockModel() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns the clock model currently in use.
- getColor(String) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- getColor(String, Color) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- getColor(String, int) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- getColor() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Link
Returns the color of this link.
- getColor() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the color of this node.
- getColorAt(Integer) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
Returns the
associated to the provided index.
- getCommands() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Recompute the current list of commands.
- getCommonLinkWith(Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the undirected link whose endpoints are this node and the
specified node, if any such link exists.
- getCommunicationRange() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the communication range of this node (as a radius).
- getCommunicationRange() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns the default communication range.
- getComponent() - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.painting.UIComponent
Gets the Object
that has been provided upon creation.
- getConnectedSet(Node, List<Node>) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.algos.Connectivity
- getContent() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Message
The content of this message, which may be an object of any class.
- getCoverage(Topology) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.algos.Algorithms
- getDefaultNodeModel() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns the default node model,
all properties assigned to this virtual node will be given to further nodes created
without explicit model name.
- getDestination() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Message
The destination of this message.
- getDiameter(Topology) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.algos.Algorithms
Returns the diameter of the topology (largest shortest path between any two nodes)
- getDimension(Object) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Gets the size of the generated pattern for the provided dimension.
- getDirection() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the current direction angle of this node (in radians).
- getDocument() - Method in class io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLBuilder
Accessor to the Document
handled by this builder.
- getDoubleValueFor(Element) - Method in enum io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLKeys
Gets the value of this attribute as an Double
- getFileAccessor() - Method in class io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLTraceBuilder
- getFileAccessor() - Method in class io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLTraceParser
- getFileManager() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
- getFlag() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Message
The flag of this message.
- getGreen() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- getHeight() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns the height of this topology.
- getHeight() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Gets the height of the generated pattern (2 dimensions).
- getHeight() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.GridGenerator
- getHeight() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.RandomLocationsGenerator
- getHeight() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.RingGenerator
- getIcon() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the icon of the this node.
- getIconSize() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the
's icon's desired size.
- getID() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the identifier of this node.
- getIndexedColors() - Static method in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- getInLinkFrom(Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the directed link whose destination is this node and sender is
the specified node, if any such link exists.
- getInLinks() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns a list containing all links for which this node is the
- getInNeighbors() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns a list containing every node serving as source for an adjacent
directed link.
- getInputStreamForName(String) - Method in interface io.jbotsim.io.FileAsStream
Returns an InputStream
object corresponding to the provided file name
- getInputStreamForName(String) - Method in class io.jbotsim.io.FileManager
- getIntegerValueFor(Element) - Method in enum io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLKeys
Gets the value of this attribute as an Integer
- getJTopology() - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JViewer
Returns the jtopology attached to this viewer.
- getKHopNeighbors(Node, int) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.algos.Connectivity
- getKind() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TraceEvent
- getLabel() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the label of this node.
- getLength() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Link
Returns the euclidean distance between this link endpoints.
- getLink(Node, Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns the undirected link shared the specified nodes, if any.
- getLink(Node, Node, boolean) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns the link of the specified type between the specified nodes, if
- getLinkResolver() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Return the current LinkResolver.
- getLinks() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns a list containing all undirected links adjacent to this node.
- getLinks(boolean) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns a list containing all adjacent links of the specified type.
- getLinks() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns a list containing all undirected links in this topology.
- getLinks(boolean) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns a list containing all links of the specified type in this
- getLocation() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the location of this node.
- getMailbox() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns a list of messages representing the mailbox of this node.
- getMessageEngine() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Gets a reference on the message engine of this topology.
- getModelsNames() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns the set registered node classes.
- getMST(Topology) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.algos.Algorithms
- getMST(List<Node>) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.algos.Algorithms
- getNbConnectedComponents(Topology) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.algos.Connectivity
- getNbNodes(Object) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Gets the number of
s which should be created in an arbitrary dimension.
- getNbNodes() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Gets the number of
s which should be created (1-dimension).
- getNbNodes() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.LineGenerator
- getNeighbors() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns a list containing every node located at the opposite endpoint
of an adjacent undirected links.
- getNewPointFrom(Point) - Method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.shapes3d.Vector3D
- getNodeById(String) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.graph.TVG
- getNodeClass() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Gets the
object with which
s should be instantiated.
- getNodeClass() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TraceEvent
- getNodeID() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TraceEvent
- getNodeModel(String) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns the node class corresponding to that name.
- getNodes() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns a list containing all the nodes in this topology.
- getNodes() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.graph.TVG
- getObstacleDetector(Topology) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.core.ObstacleManager
- getObstacles(Topology) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.core.ObstacleManager
List the obstacles that are present inside the topology
- getOptimalTopologySize(int, double, double) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.algos.Connectivity
- getOtherEndpoint(Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Link
Returns the node located at the opposite of the specified node
(reference node) on the underlying link.
- getOutbox() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns a list of the messages that this node is about to send.
- getOutLinks() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns a list containing all links for which this node is the
- getOutLinkTo(Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the directed link whose sender is this node and destination is
the specified node, if any such link exists.
- getOutNeighbors() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns a list containing every node serving as destination for an
adjacent directed link.
- getOutputStreamForName(String) - Method in interface io.jbotsim.io.FileAsStream
Returns an OutputStream
object corresponding to the provided file name
- getOutputStreamForName(String) - Method in class io.jbotsim.io.FileManager
- getProperty(String) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Properties
Returns the property stored under the specified key.
- getRandomColor(Random) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
Returns a
object generated using 3 calls to the provided
- getRandomColor() - Static method in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- getRed() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- getRefreshMode() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns the current refresh mode (CLOCKBASED or EVENTBASED).
- getRelativeCoverage(Topology) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.algos.Algorithms
- getRGB() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- getScheduler() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Gets a reference on the scheduler.
- getSender() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Message
The sender of this message.
- getSensedNodes() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns a list containing every node located within the sensing range
The returned list can be modified without side effect.
- getSensingRange() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the sensing range of this node (as a radius).
- getSensingRange() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns the default sensing range,
- getSerializer() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
- getSize() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Gets the one-dimension size of the generated pattern.
- getSize() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.LineGenerator
- getStringColor(Color) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.io.format.tikz.TikzTopologySerializer
- getTime() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the current time (current round number).
- getTime() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns the current time (current round number)
- getTime() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TraceEvent
- getTimeUnit() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Clock
Returns the time unit of the clock, in milliseconds.
- getTimeUnit() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.ClockManager
Returns the time unit of the clock, in milliseconds.
- getTimeUnit() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.DefaultClock
- getTimeUnit() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns the global duration of a round in this topology (in millisecond).
- getTimeUnit() - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JClock
- getTopology() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Link
Returns the parent topology of this link, if any.
- getTopology() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the parent
of this node, if any.
- getTopology() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TracePlayer
- getTopology() - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JTopology
- getTopologySerializerFor(String) - Method in class io.jbotsim.io.format.TopologySerializerFilenameMatcher
- getTVLinks() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.graph.TVG
- getValueFor(Element) - Method in enum io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLKeys
Returns the value of the attribute labelled by this enum (if it exists).
- getValueFor(Element, String) - Method in enum io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLKeys
Gets the value of this attribute for the given Element
if the attribute exists.
- getValueFor(Element, Integer) - Method in enum io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLKeys
Gets the value of this attribute as an Integer
- getValueFor(Element, Double) - Method in enum io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLKeys
Gets the value of this attribute as an Double
- getValueFor(Element, Boolean) - Method in enum io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLKeys
Gets the value of this attribute as an Boolean
- getValueFor(Element, XMLKeys.Function<String, R>, R) - Method in enum io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLKeys
Gets the value of this attribute converted to R
- getValueFor(Element, XMLKeys.Function<String, R>) - Method in enum io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLKeys
Gets the value of this attribute converted to R
- getVersion() - Method in class io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLParser
Gets the version of the interpreted document.
- getWidth() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Link
Returns the width of this link.
- getWidth() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns the width of this topology.
- getWidth() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Gets the width of the generated pattern (2 dimensions).
- getWidth() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.GridGenerator
- getWidth() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.RandomLocationsGenerator
- getWidth() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.RingGenerator
- getWirelessStatus() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Returns true if wireless links are enabled.
- getX() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the x-coordinate of this node.
- getX() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Point
- getX() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Gets the X coordinate.
- getX() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TraceEvent
- getY() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the y-coordinate of this node.
- getY() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Point
- getY() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Gets the Y coordinate.
- getY() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TraceEvent
- getZ() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Returns the z-coordinate of this node.
- getZ() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Point
- gray - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- GRAY - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- green - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- GREEN - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- GridGenerator - Class in io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators
- GridGenerator(int, int) - Constructor for class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.GridGenerator
Creates a
creating a grid with nbRows rows and nbColumns columns.
- Obstacle - Interface in io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.core
Interface for all the obstacles (3D obstacles and 2D obstacles)
- ObstacleDetector - Class in io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.core
This class is used to check if some obstacle are near of nodes that have say that they want to know it.
- ObstacleDetector(Topology) - Constructor for class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.core.ObstacleDetector
Constructor of the class.
- ObstacleDrawable - Interface in io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.ui
Interface for drawable obstacles (3D obstacles and 2D obstacles)
- ObstacleLinkResolver - Class in io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.core
This class override the class WLinkCalculator by checking if the given nodes can communicate.
- ObstacleLinkResolver(Topology) - Constructor for class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.core.ObstacleLinkResolver
- ObstacleListener - Interface in io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.core
- ObstacleManager - Class in io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.core
Main class of the plugin used to store (or remove) the obstacles and to register (or unregister) the obstacle's listener.
- ObstacleManager() - Constructor for class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.core.ObstacleManager
- ObstacleManagerDrawable - Class in io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.ui
Drawable version of the Main class of the plugin (ObstacleManager).
- ObstacleManagerDrawable() - Constructor for class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.ui.ObstacleManagerDrawable
- ObstaclePainter - Class in io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.ui
ObstaclePainter is a class used to represent the obstacles on the JViewer and it inherited from JTopology
- ObstaclePainter() - Constructor for class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.ui.ObstaclePainter
Build the ObstaclePainter
- obstructLink(Node, Node) - Method in interface io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.core.Obstacle
This function is automatically call by the obstacleDetector to known if the obstacle obstructs the link between node1 and node2
- obstructLink(Node, Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.shapes2d.CircleObstacle
- obstructLink(Node, Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.shapes2d.LinesObstacle
- obstructLink(Node, Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.shapes3d.RectangularFacetObstacle
- of(double) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JViewer.AccelerationFunctionExp
Computes a value of the acceleration function associated with the provided parameter.
- onClock() - Method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.messaging.AsyncMessageEngine
- onClock() - Method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.messaging.DelayMessageEngine
- onClock() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.ClockManager
- onClock() - Method in interface io.jbotsim.core.event.ClockListener
Called periodically by the central scheduler.
- onClock() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.MessageEngine
- onClock() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Override this method to perform some action upon clock pulse.
- onClock(Topology, List<ClockListener>) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Scheduler
Performs the regular scheduling operations.
- onClock() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
- onClock() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.graph.EMEGPlayer
- onClock() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.graph.TVGPlayer
- onClock() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TracePlayer
- onCommand(String) - Method in interface io.jbotsim.core.event.CommandListener
Provides a way to react upon command selection.
- onCommand(String) - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JViewer
- onDetectedObstacles(List<Obstacle>) - Method in interface io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.core.ObstacleListener
- onDirectedLinkAdded(Link) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Called when an adjacent directed link is added.
- onDirectedLinkRemoved(Link) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Called when an adjacent directed link is removed.
- onLinkAdded(Link) - Method in interface io.jbotsim.core.event.ConnectivityListener
Notifies the underlying listener that a link has been added.
- onLinkAdded(Link) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Called when an adjacent undirected link is added.
- onLinkRemoved(Link) - Method in interface io.jbotsim.core.event.ConnectivityListener
Notifies the underlying listener that a link has been removed.
- onLinkRemoved(Link) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Called when an adjacent undirected link is removed.
- onMessage(Message) - Method in interface io.jbotsim.core.event.MessageListener
Notifies the underlying MessageListener that a message has arrived.
- onMessage(Message) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Called when this node receives a
- onMovement(Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.core.ObstacleDetector
- onMovement(Node) - Method in interface io.jbotsim.core.event.MovementListener
Notifies the underlying listener that a node has moved.
- onMovement() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Override this method to perform some action when the node moves.
- onMovement(Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TraceRecorder
- onNodeAdded(Node) - Method in interface io.jbotsim.core.event.TopologyListener
Notifies the underlying listener that a node has been added to the
- onNodeAdded(Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TraceRecorder
- onNodeRemoved(Node) - Method in interface io.jbotsim.core.event.TopologyListener
Notifies the underlying listener that a node has been removed to the
- onNodeRemoved(Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TraceRecorder
- onPostClock() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Override this method to perform some action just after clock pulse.
- onPreClock() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Override this method to perform some action just before clock pulse.
- onPropertyChanged(Properties, String) - Method in interface io.jbotsim.core.event.PropertyListener
Notifies that a property of this object has changed.
- onPropertyChanged(Properties, String) - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JViewer
- onReplayTerminated(TracePlayer) - Method in interface io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TracePlayer.ReplayTerminatedListener
- onSelection(Node) - Method in interface io.jbotsim.core.event.SelectionListener
Notifies the underlying listener that a node has selected.
- onSelection() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Called when this node is selected (e.g. middle click in the UI)
- onSelection(Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TraceRecorder
- onSensingIn(Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Called when another node is sensed for the first time.
- onSensingOut(Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Called when a sensed node is no more sensed.
- onStart() - Method in interface io.jbotsim.core.event.StartListener
Notifies that a restart was requested on this topology.
- onStart() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Override this method to re-initialise your node (e.g. your variables).
- onStart() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TraceRecorder
- onStop() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
This method is called just before
the node is removed from the topology.
- orange - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- ORANGE - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- orderByAngleToReferenceNode(Node, ArrayList<Node>) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.algos.Algorithms
- organize(Topology, double, int) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.io.format.dot.DotTopologySerializer
- r - Variable in class io.jbotsim.contrib.messaging.AsyncMessageEngine
- r - Variable in class io.jbotsim.contrib.messaging.DelayMessageEngine
- radius - Variable in class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.shapes2d.CircleObstacle
- RandomLocationsGenerator - Class in io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators
- RandomLocationsGenerator(int) - Constructor for class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.RandomLocationsGenerator
- read(String) - Method in class io.jbotsim.io.FileManager
Read the content of the file specified by the filename.
- read(String) - Method in class io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLIO
Reads an XML document from the file specified by filename
- read(InputStream) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLIO
Reads an XML document from an stream.
- read(Reader) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLIO
Reads an XML document using a Reader
- read(InputSource) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLIO
Reads an XML document from a SAX source.
- readFromString(String) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLIO
Reads an XML document from a String
- readInputStreamContentAsString(InputStream) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.io.IOUtils
Reads the content of the provided InputStream
object and returns it as a String.
- RectangularFacetObstacle - Class in io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.shapes3d
- RectangularFacetObstacle(Point, Point, Point) - Constructor for class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.shapes3d.RectangularFacetObstacle
- RectangularFacetObstacleDrawable - Class in io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.shapes3d
- RectangularFacetObstacleDrawable(Point, Point, Point) - Constructor for class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.shapes3d.RectangularFacetObstacleDrawable
- red - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- RED - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.core.Color
- removeAllCommands() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Removes all commands from this
- removeBackgroundPainter(BackgroundPainter) - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JTopology
- removeClockListener(ClockListener) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.ClockManager
Unregisters the specified listener.
- removeClockListener(ClockListener) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Unregisters the specified listener.
- removeCommand(String) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Removes the specified action command from this
- removeCommandListener(CommandListener) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Unregisters the specified action listener to this
- removeConnectivityListener(ConnectivityListener) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Unregisters the specified connectivity listener from the 'undirected'
- removeConnectivityListener(ConnectivityListener, boolean) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Unregisters the specified connectivity listener from the listeners
of the specified type.
- removeLink(Link) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Removes the specified link from this topology.
- removeLinkPainter(LinkPainter) - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JTopology
- removeListener(TracePlayer.ReplayTerminatedListener) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TracePlayer
- removeMessageListener(MessageListener) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Unregisters the specified message listener for this topology.
- removeMovementListener(MovementListener) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Unregisters the specified movement listener for this topology.
- removeNode(Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Removes the specified node from this topology.
- removeNodePainter(NodePainter) - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JTopology
- removeObstacle(Obstacle, Topology) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.core.ObstacleManager
Remove the given obstacle from the topology if the obstacle exist in the topology or do nothing
- removeObstacleListener(ObstacleListener, Topology) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.core.ObstacleManager
- removeProperty(String) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Properties
Removes the specified property.
- removePropertyListener(PropertyListener) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Properties
Unregisters the specified property listener for this node.
- removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Unregisters the specified selection listener for this topology.
- removeSlideBar() - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JViewer
Removes the slide bar, if any.
- removeStartListener(StartListener) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Unregisters the specified selection listener for this topology.
- removeTopologyListener(TopologyListener) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Unregisters the specified topology listener.
- reset() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.ClockManager
Sets the clock time to 0.
- resetTime() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Reset the round number to 0.
- restart() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
(Re)init the nodes through their onStart() method (and notifies StartListeners as well)
- RESTART_NODES - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology.DefaultCommands
- resume() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Clock
Resumes the clock if it was paused.
- resume() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.ClockManager
Resumes the clock (or decrements the pause counter).
- resume() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.DefaultClock
- resume() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Resumes the clock (or decrements the pause counter).
- resume() - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JClock
- RESUME_EXECUTION - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology.DefaultCommands
- retryMode - Variable in class io.jbotsim.core.Message
- RingGenerator - Class in io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators
- RingGenerator(int) - Constructor for class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.RingGenerator
- ROBOT - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.ui.icons.Icons
- run() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.DefaultClock
- scaledIcon - Variable in class io.jbotsim.ui.JNode
- Scheduler - Class in io.jbotsim.core
- Scheduler() - Constructor for class io.jbotsim.core.Scheduler
- SECOND_DIMENSION_INDEX - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
- SelectionListener - Interface in io.jbotsim.core.event
- selectNode(Node) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
- send(Node, Message) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Sends a message from this node to the specified destination node.
- send(Node, Object) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
- sendAll(Message) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Sends a message to all neighbors.
- sendAll(Object) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
- sender - Variable in class io.jbotsim.core.Message
- sendRetry(Node, Message) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Same method as send(), but retries to send the message later
if the link to the destination disappeared during transmission.
- sendRetry(Node, Object) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
- SENSOR - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.ui.icons.Icons
- setAbsoluteCoords(boolean) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Sets the absolute coordinates state.
- setAttribute(Element, String) - Method in enum io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLKeys
Sets an attribute labelled by this enum with the given value
- setAttribute(Element, T) - Method in enum io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLKeys
Sets an attribute labelled by this enum.
- setClockModel(Class<? extends Clock>) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.ClockManager
Sets the clock model (to be instantiated automatically).
- setClockModel(Class<? extends Clock>) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Sets the clock model (to be instantiated automatically).
- setColor(Color) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Link
Sets the color of this link
- setColor(Color) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Sets the color of this node.
- setCommunicationRange(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Activates the wireless capabilities of this node and sets
its communication range to the specified radius.
- setCommunicationRange(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Sets the default communication range.
- setDebug(boolean) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.MessageEngine
- setDefaultBackgroundPainter(BackgroundPainter) - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JTopology
- setDefaultLinkPainter(LinkPainter) - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JTopology
- setDefaultNodeModel(Class<? extends Node>) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Sets the default node model to the given node instance.
- setDefaultNodePainter(NodePainter) - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JTopology
- setDefaultWidthHeight() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
- setDimension(Object, double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Sets the size of the generated pattern for an arbitrary dimension.
- setDimensions(int, int) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Sets the topology dimensions as indicated.
- setDirected(boolean) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Sets the graph direction state.
- setDirection(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Sets the direction angle of this node (in radians).
- setDirection(Point) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Sets the direction angle of this node using the specified reference
- setDirection(Point, boolean) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Sets the direction angle of this node using the specified reference
- setFileManager(FileManager) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
- setHeight(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Sets the height of the generated pattern (2 dimensions).
- setHeight(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.GridGenerator
- setHeight(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.RandomLocationsGenerator
- setHeight(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.RingGenerator
- setHorizontal(boolean) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.LineGenerator
Sets the orientation state of the line.
- setIcon(String) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Sets the icon of this node.
- setIconSize(int) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Sets the
's icon's desired size.
- setID(int) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Sets the identifier of this node.
- setInteractive(boolean) - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JTopology
- setLabel(Object) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Sets the label of this node.
- setLinkResolver(LinkResolver) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Replaces the default Wireless Link Resolver by a custom one.
- setLocation(double, double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Changes this node's location to the specified coordinates.
- setLocation(double, double, double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Changes this node's location to the specified coordinates.
- setLocation(Point) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Changes this node's location to the specified 2D point.
- setLocation(Point) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Point
- setLocation(double, double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Point
- setLocation(double, double, double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Point
- setMessageEngine(MessageEngine) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Sets the message engine of this topology.
- setNbNodes(Object, int) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Sets the number of
s which should be created in an arbitrary dimension.
- setNbNodes(int) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Sets the number of
s which should be created (1-dimension).
- setNbNodes(Object, int) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.LineGenerator
- setNodeClass(Class<? extends Node>) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Sets the
object with which
s should be instantiated.
- setNodeModel(String, Class<? extends Node>) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Adds the given node instance as a model.
- setNotDefaultAttribute(Element, T, T) - Method in enum io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLKeys
Sets an attribute if its value is not equal to a default one.
- setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Properties
Stores the specified property (value) under the specified name
- setRefreshMode(Topology.RefreshMode) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Sets the updates (links, sensed objects, etc.) to be instantaneous (EVENTBASED),
or periodic after each round (CLOCKBASED).
- setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Sets the scheduler of this topology.
- setSensingRange(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Sets the sensing range of this node to the specified radius.
- setSensingRange(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Sets the default sensing range.
- setSerializer(TopologySerializer) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
- setSize(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Sets the one-direction size of the generated pattern.
- setSize(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.LineGenerator
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JViewer
Sets the size of the inner jtopology to the specified dimension.
- setSpeed(int) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.MessageEngine
- setTimeUnit(int) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Clock
Sets the time unit of the clock to the specified value in millisecond.
- setTimeUnit(int) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.ClockManager
Sets the time unit of the clock to the specified value in millisecond.
- setTimeUnit(int) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.DefaultClock
- setTimeUnit(int) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Sets the global duration of a round in this topology (in millisecond).
- setTimeUnit(int) - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JClock
Sets the time unit of the clock to the specified value in millisecond.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JViewer
Sets the title of the corresponding window
- setTopology(Topology) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.MessageEngine
- setTopology(Topology) - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JTopology
- setWidth(Integer) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Link
Sets the width of this link.
- setWidth(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Sets the width of the generated pattern (2 dimensions).
- setWidth(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.GridGenerator
- setWidth(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.RandomLocationsGenerator
- setWidth(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.RingGenerator
- setWired(boolean) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Sets the links' wiring state.
- setWirelessEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Sets the links' wireless state.
- setWirelessStatus(boolean) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Node
Set wireless capabilities status
- setWirelessStatus(boolean) - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Set wireless capabilities status
- setX(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Sets the X coordinate.
- setY(double) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.basic.generators.AbstractGenerator
Sets the Y coordinate.
- SHEEP - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.ui.icons.Icons
- showDrawings - Variable in class io.jbotsim.ui.JTopology
- shuffleNodeIds() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Shuffles the IDs of the nodes in this topology.
- slideBar - Variable in class io.jbotsim.ui.JViewer
- slideBarType - Variable in class io.jbotsim.ui.JViewer
- source - Variable in class io.jbotsim.core.Link
The source node of this link (if directed),
the first endpoint otherwise.
- splitIntoConnectedSets(List<Node>) - Static method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.algos.Connectivity
- start() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Clock
Starts the clock.
- start() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.ClockManager
Starts the clock (if no model is set, DefaultClock is used).
- start() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.DefaultClock
- start() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Initializes the clock.
- start() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.graph.EMEGPlayer
- start() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.graph.TVGPlayer
- start() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TracePlayer
- start() - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TraceRecorder
- start() - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JClock
- START_EXECUTION - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology.DefaultCommands
- StartListener - Interface in io.jbotsim.core.event
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class io.jbotsim.ui.JViewer
- STATION - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.ui.icons.Icons
- steadyProb - Variable in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.graph.EMEGPlayer
- step() - Method in class io.jbotsim.core.Topology
Performs a single round, then switch to pause state.
- stopAndWrite(String) - Method in class io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TraceRecorder
- sum(Vector3D) - Method in class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.shapes3d.Vector3D
- VALUE_AT_ZERO - Static variable in class io.jbotsim.ui.JViewer.AccelerationFunctionExp
The exact value of the function at abscissa 0.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.jbotsim.contrib.messaging.AsyncMessageEngine.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.jbotsim.core.Link.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.jbotsim.core.Link.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.jbotsim.core.Topology.RefreshMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TraceEvent.EventKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLKeys
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.jbotsim.ui.JViewer.BarType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum io.jbotsim.contrib.messaging.AsyncMessageEngine.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum io.jbotsim.core.Link.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum io.jbotsim.core.Link.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum io.jbotsim.core.Topology.RefreshMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum io.jbotsim.gen.dynamic.trace.TraceEvent.EventKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum io.jbotsim.io.format.xml.XMLKeys
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum io.jbotsim.ui.JViewer.BarType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- Vector3D - Class in io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.shapes3d
- Vector3D(Point, Point) - Constructor for class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.shapes3d.Vector3D
- Vector3D(double, double, double) - Constructor for class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.shapes3d.Vector3D
- Vector3D(Vector3D) - Constructor for class io.jbotsim.contrib.obstacle.shapes3d.Vector3D