Welcome to my page!
I am a professor of computer science at the University of Geneva, head of the ALGO group. I am also affiliated with the LaBRI, University of Bordeaux, in the Combinatorics and Algorithms department.
Research interests: highly dynamic networks, temporal graph algorithms, computational complexity, distributed computing, and all kind of things interacting in a decentralized way (including security concerns).
Teaching (at Unige)
- Langages formels (11X003)
- Calculabilité et Complexité (12X008)
- Algorithmique (12X001)
- Graph algorithms (14X061)
- Temporal graphs (in selected chapters 14X060)
- See also my teaching page for previous years.
Recent talks
- Ce que l’informatique ne pourra jamais faire ? - Rencontres epistémologiques de Venise (Jan 2025)
- The saga of the four color theorem - ALGO Seminar (Dec 2024)
- Temporal graph theory: paradigm and algorithmic challenges (v2) - Swiss OR Days, HEG Geneva (Jun 2024)
- Temporal graph theory: paradigm and algorithmic challenges (v1) - Operations seminar, HEC Lausanne (Mar. 2024)
- Bachelor en Sciences Informatiques - Journée portes ouvertes de l’Université de Genève (Mar. 2024)
- Selected results in temporal graph theory - Séminaire Groupes et Géométrie, section de math. (Genève, Dec. 2023)
- Introduction to temporal spanners - 2nd TEMPOGRAL meeting, Saussay (Jul. 2023)
- Random thoughts on coverings - Marseille Covering Days, CIRM (Feb. 2023)
- A brief introduction to computational complexity - LOMA, U. Bordeaux (Jan. 2023)
- A brief introduction to distributed algorithms - LOMA, U. Bordeaux (Jan. 2023)
- Dynamic networks from inside and outside - U. Genève (Jan. 2023)
- The TEMPOGRAL Project (kickoff meeting) - Poitiers (Nov. 2022)
- Spanners and connectivity problems in temporal graphs - U. Liverpool (Nov. 2022)
Recent and upcoming news
- ALGOWIN 2024 (PC chair with Quentin Bramas and Kitty Meeks)
- SSS 2024 (Track A, PC chair with Sayaka Kamei)
- SAND 2024 (PC chair with Fabian Kuhn)
- A popularization article with Agathe Houzelot on white box cryptography
- First “Covering days” at CIRM (2023)
- Dagstuhl seminar on Temporal Graphs (2021)
Main professional duties:
- Head of the TEMPOGRAL ANR Project (2022-2027).
- Editorial board member of Theoretical Computer Science - Track A (Since 2020)
- Head of the Distributed Computing group at LaBRI (2021-2023)
- Founder of the JBotSim project, a tool for fast prototyping of distributed algorithms in dynamic networks.
- Member of the 27
th section (computer science) of the French CNU (2019-2022).
Students and postdocs
Current / Past
- Matteo DE FRANCESCO (PhD student at Unige),
Graph algorithms and quantum computing. - Petra WOLF (Postdoc at LaBRI and Unige),
Fixed-parameter tractability in temporal graphs. - Daniele CARNEVALE (PhD student at GSSI, L’Aquila)
Spanners and labeling problems in temporal graphs (co-sup. Pierluigi Crescenzi and Gianlorenzo d’Angelo). - Agathe HOUZELOT (PhD’2024’)
White-Box Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithms (co-sup. Christophe Giraud). - Timothée CORSINI (PhD’2024)
Reachability problems in temporal graphs - Luiz F. AFRA BRITO (PhD’2023)
Efficient data structures for querying dynamic graphs (co-sup. Marcelo Albertini and Bruno Travençolo). - Jason SCHOETERS (PhD’2021)
Contributions to Temporal Graph Theory and Mobility-Related Problems. - Rémi LAPLACE (Postdoc 2018-20)
The JBotSim library. - Yessin M. NEGGAZ (PhD’2016)
Automatic Classification of Dynamic Graphs (co-sup. Serge Chaumette and Colette Johnen). - Matthieu BARJON (PhD’2016)
Delay-tolerant groups in mobile swarms (co-sup. Serge Chaumette and Colette Johnen). - Benjamin DUHAMEL (BSc, ENS-Lyon, 2023), Writika SARKAR (BSc, CMI, Chennai, 2022), Neven VILLANI (BSc, ENS-Paris-Saclay, 2021), Valentin PASQUALE (BSc, ENS-Lyon, 2019), Kinda AL CHAHID (MSc, U.Bordeaux, 2018), Noël NADAL (BSc, ENS-Cachan, 2016), Robin DESPOUYS, (MSc, U.Bordeaux, 2013), Matthieu BARJON, (MSc, U.Bordeaux, 2013), Yessin M. NEGGAZ, (MSc, U.Bordeaux, 2013), Ahmed JEDDA, (MSc, U.Ottawa, 2010), David DEL CAMPO, (MSc, U.Bordeaux, 2006)
- Lucile’s translation services, from English to French, and Spanish to French
- A sample of my father’s work on sustainable development
- My grand father, Claude Elliès, doing his own kind of research (lyrical abstraction)
- Denis Magnol’s Cinexpo web page
- If you or your kids have asthma: Teqoya (mine used to have, until we bought a Tip 9)
- If you find the sequence 1, 20, 4524, 23218501, contact me!
- If you find the sequence 4, 62, 15378, 89769096, contact me!