Revisiting the Role of Coverings in Anonymous Networks: Spanning Tree Construction and Topology Recognition | |
Autour des algorithmes distribués. |
Simple, strict, proper, happy: A study of reachability in temporal graphs | |
Sharp Thresholds in Random Simple Temporal Graphs | |
Distance to Transitivity: New Parameters for Taming Reachability in Temporal Graphs | |
In Search of the Lost Tree: Hardness and Relaxation of Spanning Trees in Temporal Graphs |
Giant Components in Random Temporal Graphs |
Simple, Strict, Proper, Happy: A Study of Reachability in Temporal Graphs | |
Robustness of Distances and Diameter in a Fragile Network | |
A Dynamic Data Structure for Temporal Reachability with Unsorted Contact Insertions |
Sharp Thresholds in Random Simple Temporal Graphs | |
Finding Temporal Paths under Waiting Time Constraints | |
Temporal Cliques Admit Sparse Spanners |
Finding Temporal Paths under Waiting Time Constraints | |
VectorTSP: A Traveling Salesperson Problem with Racetrack-like acceleration constraints | |
Robustness: a New Form of Heredity Motivated by Dynamic Networks |
Temporal Cliques Admit Sparse Spanners | |
Deterministic Leader Election Takes $\Theta(D+\log n)$ Bit Rounds | |
Computing Parameters of Sequence-based Dynamic Graphs | |
Counting in One-Hop Beeping Networks | |
Maintaining a Distributed Spanning Forest in Highly Dynamic Networks | |
Design Patterns in Beeping Algorithms: Examples, Emulation, and Analysis |
A Journey through Dynamic Networks (with Excursions), |
A Generic Framework for Computing Parameters of Sequence-based Dynamic Graphs | |
Calcul de Paramètres Minimaux dans les Graphes Dynamiques |
Deterministic Leader Election Algorithm in O(D + log n) Time with Messages of Size O(1) | |
Design Patterns in Beeping Algorithms (extended abstract) |
JBotSim: a Tool for Fast Prototyping of Distributed Algorithms in Dynamic Networks | |
Shortest, Fastest, and Foremost Broadcast in Dynamic Networks | |
A Connectivity Model for Agreement in Dynamic Systems | |
On the Expressivity of Time-Varying Graphs | |
Efficiently Testing T-Interval Connectivity in Dynamic Graphs |
Maintaining a Spanning Forest in Highly Dynamic Networks: The Synchronous Case | |
Measuring Temporal Lags in Delay-Tolerant Networks | |
Les systèmes d'information sociosanitaire à l'appui de la planification locale de la santé: défis et enjeux | |
Testing Temporal Connectivity in Sparse Dynamic Graphs
16èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques de Télécommunications (ALGOTEL), 2014 - [French version] - [bibtex] | |
Bluetooth Scatternet Formation from a Time-Efficiency Perspective |
Impact of network dynamics on the feasibility of distributed problems: an overview of early results, | |
Expressivity of Time-Varying Graphs | |
Distributed Maintenance of Anytime Available Spanning Trees in Dynamic Networks | |
BSF-UED: A Novel Time-Efficient Bluetooth Scatternet Formation algorithm based on Unnecessary Edges Deletion | |
Deterministic Algorithms in Dynamic Networks: Formal Models and Metrics | |
Deterministic Algorithms in Dynamic Networks: Problems, Analysis, and Algorithmic Tools |
Brief Announcement: Waiting in Dynamic Networks | |
Time-Varying Graphs and Dynamic Networks | |
Differential Privacy in Tripartite Interaction: A Case Study with Linguistic Minorities in Canada | |
Biconnecting a Network of Mobile Robots using Virtual Angular Forces | |
Building Fastest Broadcast Trees in Periodically-Varying Graphs |
Measuring Temporal Lags in Delay-Tolerant Networks | |
Time-Varying Graphs and Dynamic Networks (short version) | |
Communication Protocols for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks | |
On the Temporal Analysis of Scientific Network Evolution | |
Time-Varying Graphs and Social Network Analysis: Temporal Indicators and Metrics | |
White-Box Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman | |
Enabling Dynamic Linkage of Linguistic Census Data at Statistics Canada | |
On the Feasibility of Maintenance Algorithms in Dynamic Graphs |
Deterministic Computations in Time-Varying Graphs: Broadcasting under Unstructured Mobility | |
Biconnecting a Network of Mobile Robots using Virtual Angular Forces | |
Construction et maintien d'une forêt couvrante dans un réseau dynamique | |
Intégration de la Dimension Temporelle dans l'Analyse des Réseaux de Santé en Français, | |
Multicasting, Geocasting and Anycasting in Sensor and Actuator Networks, | |
Topology Control in Sensor, Actuator and Mobile Robot Networks, |
Characterizing Topological Assumptions of Distributed Algorithms in Dynamic Networks, | |
Multiratecast in Wireless Fault Tolerant Sensor and Actuator Networks, |
Contribution à l'Algorithmique Distribuée
dans les Réseaux Mobiles Ad Hoc - Calculs Locaux et Réétiquetages de
Graphes Dynamiques, |
A Totally Decentralized Document Sharing System for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, | |
DA-GRS and the Constraint Based Synchronization: a Unifying Approach to Deal With Dynamic Networks, | |
Model Driven Capabilities of the DA-GRS Model, |
Dynamicity Aware Graph Relabeling Systems (DA-GRS) - A local computation-based model to describe MANet algorithms, | |
Exemple d'exploitation d'un modèle en couches pour la prise en compte transparente des caractéristiques de dynamicité d'un MANet, |